Important Notice We would like to inform you that our platform currently supports deposits and withdrawals exclusively through the following cryptocurrencies:

・BTC (Bitcoin)
・ETH (Ethereum)
・USDT (Tether)

Please rest assured that we are diligently working to expand our payment options in the near future,
including the addition of credit cards, bank transfers, and other digital payment methods.

We appreciate your understanding and thank you for choosing our platform.


Abrir una cuenta

Important Notice We would like to inform you that our platform currently supports deposits and withdrawals exclusively through the following cryptocurrencies:

・BTC (Bitcoin)
・ETH (Ethereum)
・USDT (Tether)

Please rest assured that we are diligently working to expand our payment options in the near future,
including the addition of credit cards, bank transfers, and other digital payment methods.

We appreciate your understanding and thank you for choosing our platform.

Acceda a los mercados financieros con nuestro sistema que satisface a inversores de todo el mundo.
Divisas, CFDs, Energía, Acciones, Índices, ETFs, etc.
Aquí está el comercio en línea que nunca se pierda su oportunidad.

  1. 1:400 / Apalancamiento máximo
  2. Más de 300 productos de inversión.
  3. Diferenciales ajustados desde 0,5 PIPS.


DAM FOREX cTrader: 
La plataforma de negociación de nueva generación.
Desarrollada por Spotware, la plataforma de negociación cTrader cuenta con pantallas fácilmente personalizables.

Dos tipos de cuenta a elegir

  1. Cuenta Express

  2. Cuenta profesional